Saturday, 6 February 2016

5 Month Update | 7.2.16

Where have I been? 

Life is crazy. Lets be real time is flying! Well for me. Not so much those around me. I can't believe it's already the 5 month mark of me leaving Australia. The changes in my whole world have been unique. I have experienced so much in such a short amount of time. In all honesty, I am still blown away that I am sitting here in New York writing this blog post. I feel like I just wrote my first blog post on here so so so many months ago. Life has a crazy way of taking time and I am losing track of my every days! It is scary to think, I may be home in just 7 months. hm, what?! 

Since I last posted, I have traveled. I have seen snow. I have built more friendships. I have lost. I have gained but most of all, I have learnt. I can't believe how much I learn, every single day. So many simple things I would of never learnt if I didn't pay the attention I do. 

Sickness has been my weakness this winter! 

I have been really sick which I am getting over faster than I thought I would. I spent some time in the american emergency room and lets just say, that was interesting! Its very similar to the aussie system. Its slow. Its boring but god, its expensive. Not the initial visit since I have insurance but just overall, medication is just way over the top! 

On to a positive note, I learnt something new. This is something I honestly didn't think I would pick up so easily but I have enjoyed learning! 

Que Se Ilene Tu Casa - Ingrid Rosario

As you can see, this isn't in english. I have an explanation for that which I will inform you guys of the change in that! But this song is in spanish. I have learnt, every word. I have spent hours studying and trying to get the pronunciation perfect. I can finally say, I have nailed it. 

The excitement of being able to sing something in a whole different language is exciting to me. A lot will be explained in the next blog post I intend on uploading but Im having fun. Im learning. I am achieving and honestly thats all I could ever ask for. 

There is another big update that I haven't necessarily discussed with many. For the reason being I am still figuring it out for myself but this journey I am taking I know is the right one.

Anyways! In all honesty, no regrets. Im happy. I have met incredible people. I have changed my life. I changed my outlook. I changed comfort zones. Im overall succeeding. 

I believe this is really only my beginning. My journey is going strong. Stay tuned. Who knows what could come next? I am ready! 

Codie x 

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