Friday, 21 August 2015

Scarsdale, New York.

Fresh Start; Fresh Family; Fresh Country
Scarsdale, New York is exactly where I will start my journey as a new Au Pair.

Scarsdale, NY is in Northern New York. Scarsdale was founded in 1701. The distance between New York City is 42.9km (26.6miles) this is only 30 minutes away from the city!
This is just an idea of my area!

I will be here for approximately one year! I am very excited to experience such a beautiful "village" as they say. It is full of parks, community events, not far from the city oh and did I mention it SNOWS?!
What am I doing there?
I am going to be a full-time Au Pair for two young girls. They are 8 and 6 now. I am very excited as I am told they are beautiful, well-behaved children. Of course, I have the fear of rejection/not liking me BUT, I wouldn't of been chosen if they didn't believe I could do it! I am very excited to conquer head first this journey and give me 110%. I will also be studying in an American college. I am still undecided what I'll be doing as of yet BUT I'll of course blog about it!
I know there is going to be hard times, struggles but I also know it'll all be worth it in the end!
This was just a simple post for those who were wondering what exactly I am doing.
Cant wait for the journey ahead! Stay Tuned.
This is just the beginning! Codie x

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Realistic Bucket List?

First things first,

Lets be realistic; this will ONLY happen if I work my but off and make it happen! I only have once chance and this is MY chance! I know these may not be in the order I wish, but who cares! ASLONG as I complete them all! :)

Each time I knock one of these off my list, a blog will be posted. I cant wait too continue too share my journey with those all over the world!

1.  Attend a Baseball game.
2. Attend a NFL game.
3. Attend a Basketball game.
4. Go to Rockefeller Centre
5. Go to Central Park
6. Go to Battery Park
7. Capture a photo of the "Statue of Liberty"
8. Go to ATLEAST ONE museum in New York.
9. Visit Ground Zero.
10. Join a local gym OR fitness group OR maybe even start one up!
11. Experience my first WHITE CHRISTMAS!! (Um what)
12. Attend Broadway.

My last one (for now) is a big one too me and its something i'll really have to work hard for and that's ATLEAST visit
13. 5 states in the year.

This is just the beginning guys!
Keep following <3

oh 19 DAYS! wow.


Sunday, 16 August 2015


23 days
Yes, its still 3 weeks and 2 days. In a sense, I feel like its flown but on the other hand I'm like "really?" "still that many days" but I am happy. Its another 23 days with those I love. Its sort of bittersweet embarking on a new chapter of life like this. I build my knowledge and see the world but I'm leaving my world behind?
To me, its not even just my family. Its my network. I've made some amazing contacts and friendships in the last year. I've built work relationships, that have formed to friendships. I've made friends with people who, a year ago, I probably would never of even spoke to.
They say too you "oh a year isn't that long!" Maybe in a life span it isn't, but when you look back on the things you have done in the last year, would you say things don't change? I'll list a few things that I've done/accomplished within the last 12 months or so.
1. Started a Law Advocacy diploma / about to graduate that.
2. Built new friendships 
3. Grew a lot of confidence
4. Started my job 
5. Learnt tolerance and appreciation
6. Brought my very own, expensive, car.
7. Got accepted into this Au Pair program
8. Matched with a family within a month!
9. Found a whole new love for myself and strength
10. Let go of ALL negativity in my life.
In number 2, I cant even express the words of how appreciative I am of those people who have come into my life in the last 18 months or so and made such a MASSIVE impact. You may not realise it but your the reason I am who I am today and making the decisions I am making. These women have gone out of their way too make sure I have the support I need, without even realising it.
I am bittersweet that all these positives are not "leaving" my life but are not going to be my everyday. BUT, in saying that I am so excited for what lies ahead. Who knows? I may come home with 50 new experiences in 18 months...

This is only the beginning,