Scarsdale, New York is exactly where I will start my journey as a new Au Pair.
Scarsdale, NY is in Northern New York. Scarsdale was founded in 1701. The distance between New York City is 42.9km (26.6miles) this is only 30 minutes away from the city!
This is just an idea of my area!
I will be here for approximately one year! I am very excited to experience such a beautiful "village" as they say. It is full of parks, community events, not far from the city oh and did I mention it SNOWS?!
What am I doing there?
I am going to be a full-time Au Pair for two young girls. They are 8 and 6 now. I am very excited as I am told they are beautiful, well-behaved children. Of course, I have the fear of rejection/not liking me BUT, I wouldn't of been chosen if they didn't believe I could do it! I am very excited to conquer head first this journey and give me 110%. I will also be studying in an American college. I am still undecided what I'll be doing as of yet BUT I'll of course blog about it!
I know there is going to be hard times, struggles but I also know it'll all be worth it in the end!
This was just a simple post for those who were wondering what exactly I am doing.
Cant wait for the journey ahead! Stay Tuned.
This is just the beginning! Codie x